Please use the buttons below to direct you to the correct application! All jobs listed above are for the weekend of the event. We have an incredible community here, which makes for a lot of fun on the job. If you are looking for a way to get involved, this is a great opportunity!
Event Staff
Looking for event staff for upcoming HauntFest events! Possible jobs include directing traffic, selling tickets, checking on vendors, setting up/breaking down/decorating, moving supplies, assisting customers, making snack/drink stations, and much more!
Scare Actors (Scaracters)
Ghouls will do festival scares and be part of the haunt (if applicable). Job description: Scuttle around in full costume to spook the guests. Jump scares are welcome, but do not be physically violent. Try not to touch patrons unless it is as mundane as a tap on the shoulder. Do not scare or bother people who obviously are bothered (in not a fun way). Please adhere to the glowstick rules. For some venues, there will be a haunted trail or haunted house to spook in later at night as well. See the location pages for more haunt details.
North Carolina Event ONLY
There is lodging available for the North Carolina event. Please visit the lodging page for details. Paid event staff will be offered vendor pricing for cabins, and volunteers will be offered a free bed in the volunteer cabin, so keep this in mind when applying! If you would like to reserve a volunteer bed, please use the "BOOK NOW" button below (Volunteers ONLY).